How to Go Abroad For Study From Bangladesh?

Setting out on a study abroad journey might be likened to discovering a treasure trove of fascinating experiences and prospects!

It could be a little frightening at first if you’re a Bangladeshi student who wants to study abroad.

But do not fret! Studying abroad may be incredibly exciting and feasible with careful preparation, thorough investigation, and the correct support!

If you want to study overseas from Bangladesh:

  • Examine colleges and programs
  • Submit applications
  • Obtain a student visa
  • Sort your travel and housing.

Cool tip: You can lower your fees by applying for grants and scholarships! Universities and nations like intelligent students and provide programs to draw in the brightest minds.

Scholarships are available for a wide range of topics, locations, and even sports. You’ll discover the ideal fit with a little investigation.

We can help if you’re searching for Bangladeshi study abroad courses or programs. We are the top Bangladeshi consultants for international education, and we are your friendly staff.

We have all the information and professional guidance you need to study abroad. Are you up for a thrilling academic adventure? Reach out to us to get the inside word!

How do I choose a university for studying abroad?

Selecting a university for an international study abroad program can be challenging, but it can also be an exciting chance to learn about different cultures and obtain useful experience. The following actions can assist you in selecting the best university:


Explore universities and programs:

Start your search for offline universities by exploring brick-and-mortar institutions, using resources like campus brochures, local educational boards, and word of mouth. Engage in traditional methods like talking to teachers or visiting campus open houses or email them if you have any questions on your courses.

Consider the location:

The university’s location, along with its proximity to major cities, airports, and other transportation hubs, plays a crucial role in determining its suitability for a particular country’s climate, culture, language, and lifestyle.

Admission requirements:

  • Make sure you meet the language requirements first.
  • If necessary, review language skills in class or on practice tests.
  • Second, make sure your educational history meets their requirements.
  • Finally, take note of any test results, such as proficiency or standardized exam results, that they may request.
  • Fulfilling these requirements is akin to opening the door to your ideal college—every criterion holds the secret to success!

Look for scholarships:

Scholarships are a valuable tool for students seeking financial assistance for their education. Governments and colleges worldwide offer various scholarship programs to attract brilliant minds.

To secure the best scholarships, careful planning and thorough research are essential for securing the best opportunities.

Speak with a counselor:

Speak with a counselor who can guide you through the application process and offer you professional guidance on studying overseas.

We have given our time and research on student analysis, we can say that our expectices consultant will guide you in every steps to reach and get a student visa for you. Request a call back now and our expects will contact you and help you in details

How to apply to a university overseas?

To apply to a university overseas, make sure you follow this steps:

Appy to Universities

Decide what you want to study?

The educational journey is a journey of exploration and discovery. It involves choosing the right subjects to study, which is like choosing colors for your educational canvas.

Reflecting on your interests, passions, and passions is crucial before embarking on an academic journey abroad. This decision is about you, your dreams, and the knowledge you want to gain.

Planning for your educational adventure abroad becomes a thrilling next step in your colorful learning expedition.

Match the University Requirements

Choosing a field of study is crucial, but fulfilling university requirements is the next step.

These requirements may involve specific knowledge levels, completion of courses, or showcasing skills through projects or exams.

These requirements unlock the door to the world of higher education, so gather your academic gear, check off these requirements, and prepare to confidently step into your chosen field.

Student Visa

  • A student visa is a crucial document that grants access to a foreign country for students.
  • It serves as a key to a student’s educational journey, allowing them to study and explore the world of knowledge.
  • The university’s fees requirements are crucial, and applicants must adhere to these guidelines to secure their visa.
  • The process of applying for a student visa is similar to obtaining an official passport, requiring careful preparation and following the university’s fee rituals.


Choosing your ideal location for your university experience is a crucial step in your journey towards a unique space.

Some universities offer a living space similar to an apartment, but it’s important to explore your preferences and find a space that suits your needs.

Whether the institution assists or you find it yourself, your unique space will be your own during your significant learning journey.

If you unware of everything, then we come into this, we can help in every steps and even choosing the accomodation, all you have to do is just contact us.

Step by Step Process to Obtain a Student Visa from Bangladesh?

Student Visa

  • Choose the Country
  • Choose the University
  • Pay the fee by the requirements
  • Get the Invitation Letter from University
  • Valid Passport before 6 month expires
  • Photos according to Embassy requirements
  • Complete Application Form
  • Ready all the Education Documents as per requirements
  • Submit the application to choosen country embassy

We can help in all this steps, we just need informations and documents, all the process we be done by us and when needed we will contact you. Let us help you simply by contacting us and provide your mobile number and our expects will contact you.

Can I Work While Studying Abroad with my Student Visa?

Studying abroad with a student visa allows students to work up to specific hours per week, but laws vary depending on the country and the student’s enrollment.

Working while studying abroad may be subject to restrictions, so it’s crucial to research the laws and norms of the country you’re studying in.

Read this story to understand better:

Sam, a student with big dreams of studying abroad, found a part-time job opportunity and began working without checking his visa requirements.

However, when the university discovered the situation, they intervened, causing potential legal issues and a pause on Sam’s academic progress.

However, after obtaining the right work permit and working with a valid visa, the experience became smoother.

Sam learned the importance of following the rules not only for legal reasons but also for a more stable and successful academic journey.

This experience highlighted the importance of working with a valid visa for a hassle-free and rewarding adventure abroad.

So the moral of the story is: A valid visa is essential for a smooth academic journey and avoiding unnecessary complications.

It’s crucial to follow rules and provide proper documentation to avoid issues.

Working without a valid visa can lead to serious problems, but by taking the time to ensure everything is in order, you can enjoy your studies and work experiences abroad without any complications.

What to do After Reaching University?


Provision: Prioritize finding lodging and packing for university residence halls by having room information and knowing your destination. If you have any questions, visit the student hub upon arrival or contact the residential life office for assistance.

Go to the orientation: The orientation program is designed to provide international students with a comprehensive understanding of the university and its resources.

Enroll in classes: To select your instructors, it is recommended to register for classes and consult with seniors.

Activating an email account at a university: Activate your university email account to ensure efficient communication with the university.

Finish the right-to-study check: The right to study check is crucial before completing the online enrollment process, and a customized link should be sent via email.

Examine your schedule: You will be able to access your course schedule and other university systems once you have finished your online enrollment.

Get your Biometric Resident Permit (BRP) in person: A Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) is a safe identity card for UK students, verifying their eligibility for study. Digital immigration status does not qualify for a BRP. The location of the BRP depends on the visa application form request, and more information can be found in the visa letter.

Once you’re enrolled in college, you can start searching for jobs that fit your interests and skill set. You can take the following actions to aid in your job search:

Produce a CV: Work experience is a crucial factor in achieving career success, and showcasing your skills, education, and experience can be achieved through online resources like Harvard FAS, Mignone Center for Career Success, and Indeed.

Get your elevator pitch ready: Develop an elevator pitch that showcases your qualifications, background, and professional aspirations to make a strong first impression and introduce yourself to potential employers.

Visit career events: Attend career fairs and networking events to learn about job openings, meet potential employers, and connect with former students and professionals in similar fields.

Apply to jobs as an intern: An excellent method to gain useful work experience and network in your profession is through internships that align with your skill set.

Consult the career center at the university: To access job postings and career resources for students, contact the university career center.

Examine employment opportunities: Utilize online resources like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor to research job opportunities and apply for positions that align with your skills and interests.

Get ready for the interview: To prepare for interviews, research the business and practice interview techniques. For tips, visit websites like Excelsior University, Harvard FAS | Mignone Center for Career Success, and Indeed.

How to Prepare for Life After University?


Getting ready for life after college may be both exhilarating and difficult. The following actions can assist you in getting ready for life beyond college:

Make a clear picture of your professional objectives: It is imperative that you have a clear idea of your job goals before you graduate. Make a strategy for your job objectives and aspirations as part of your preparation for life after college.

Network: Networking offers numerous benefits, including creating connections and meeting new people. Attending events and employment fairs allows you to meet potential companies and learn about job openings.

Make your cover letter and resume seem good: Make a CV and cover letter that accentuates your qualifications, experience, and training.

Boost your knowledge and expertise: During school, enhance your skills and experience by volunteering, working part-time, and taking internships. This will help build field relationships and provide valuable work experience.

Travel the world: To expand your horizons and get new experiences, think about studying abroad or taking a trip.

Ensure your well-being: Maintaining a balanced diet, staying in shape, and consuming plenty of water are essential for maintaining good health during the isolating aspects of graduate school life.

Savor the now: Maximize your college experience by savoring the present, utilizing available opportunities, and creating lasting connections with your peers.

If you want 1 on 1 conversion or you can come to our office and sit with us for discussing all of above in details, just request a call back and we will be right back you as soon as possible